Saturday, January 10, 2009

Flowing with Life's Rhythms
by Lynn Morrell

Could striving for life balance be reaching for an ideal which is an illusion? What I mean by life balance is having the various aspects that make up our lives, flowing smoothly and easily. What about when new experiences come into our lives that create uneasiness and chaos, invited or uninvited? During these times do we still need to be striving for balance? If so, then during this time of reaching we are no longer being present to what is happening in the now...we are trying to BE something else. It almost seems as though this striving is a form of resistance to what is, which could intensify the feelings of unsteadiness and chaos. Some years back, I was a single mom working part time. My youngest son became extremely ill. My life became way out of balance. I could hardly keep up with what needed to be done. There was an internal sense that I was not "doing it right." So I went to a book store and picked up a book on life balance. As I read through the book the words felt like a slap in the face. What I needed was a hug!!! Life balance started looking like something people who had their act together could have--not me because obviously I didn't have my act together. But in truth my life was in a new rhythm. I had to find the new heart beat--the new pulse! I had to become fully present to what was happening rather than striving to have things different. Some moments felt balanced others felt like I was falling off a cliff. I eased up on my judgment of how my life was "supposed to be." Some years later my son's health returned and life moved into new possibilities--there was a new rhythm. So, maybe our lives are more about being present to the ebb and flow--the ever changing seasons. Maybe when we are 90 years old and we are looking back on our lives from the broader perspective we will see a balance--a balance in all of the uneasiness and chaos--a balance in all of the ebb and flow. We will see years that we raised children, years that we took care of ill loved ones, years that we played, years that we focused on careers, years that we were in relationships, and years that we were not and we will see the balance was there the whole time--we just did not have the broader view. I give you permission to be fully present with where your life is now. There is no balance that you need to strive to have--because it is natural to who you are. It is already there--it just might be challenging to see it in the details! So, enjoy flowing in and out of the ever-changing rhythms of life.
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