Friday, October 10, 2008

Looking back to move forward

As I look back on the last 6 months and the paths I have taken I have few regrets. Of course I wish I could have spent more time on what I consider fun things like, working on this blog, Spending more time with my love ones, Praying and meditating more. Now here comes the however, I believed I had to do’s like working to maintain shelter and transportation, as well as eating healthy and resting to maintain my health.

I based this blog on discerning life and purpose by journaling and now set my intention to proceed on a regular basis with journaling tips, motivational and inspiring quotes. As well as some reflective questions, also known as writing prompts, springboards, or smart questions.
Thank you for joining me on this path.


“All of life is a journey which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there.”

~unknown to me~


Anonymous said...

thats amazing story.

Anonymous said...

ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.

Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Anonymous said...

when will you go online?

Walks with Wolves said...

LOVE the quote.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alice, It is good to see you are working on this blog again. It looks really good. The journey continues. And the journey always leads forward, (unless we desire to re-create the past). And journey we must. It is inevitable, "forward" or "back", but always chosen in our "present moment". Thank our father, God, for this journey we define "our life." I am so grateful for the gift of life. Life is good! I am going to steal some of your quotes for my group.

Linda Kay Mottet