Thursday, September 20, 2007

Creating Home

Today, I intend to see the home that exists within me. Here within me, all is peaceful and every need that I could possibly experience is instantly fulfilled. It is in this spacious environment, so full of love, that the sacred nurturing overflows to all around me, in the other world, the world outside.
I love this Home. I can enter here in an instant, and I am always immediately welcomed. I am always loved. I am always seen in my infinite perfection. It is the ultimate source of all provision. When I come here, and rest within this spacious, lovely place within me, safe and secure, I can see the perfection unfolding in every circumstance and every person and every event, in the world outside of this space. It is the perfection of freedom to grow, the perfection of freedom to be, and even the perfection of freedom to stagnate, if that is the chosen course. But always it is freedom to have, do, or be, all that we choose to believe. I love the perfection in freedom. I love freedom.
Ultimately, every desire comes to this one gift: The gift of freedom to live life from laughter and joy. And I do not have to wait for anything to change in the world outside. The freedom to choose joy is already given. But I must enter the sacred home within me, for it is only here that I can choose joy.
I know I have the strength and the courage to meet the challenges that I will face today, because I begin this day as I will end this day, resting in the spacious, light of the home within, where I am always greeted by the warm embrace of Joy.

Linda Mottet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linda, I thought that was beautiful.