Friday, September 28, 2007

Quotes & Comment

This is a comment I wanted everyone to see without having to click on comments thought it would be so helpful.
Hooray for the two of you for getting this great project off the ground. Here are some quotes that have helped me a lot. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do...............

"To write spiritually is to engage in a search for authentic language. You’ll find your truth by writing your way to it."-- Patrice Vecchione

Who would allow you to totally ignore, abuse, laugh with, swear at, shed tears on, get angry at and be totally honest with him/her? Your journal does.Your journal is an unconditional friend. It does not reject, manipulate, judge, laugh at or ridicule you. It’s always there for you. So be honest with your best friend and it will help you discover who you are.
"The positive thing about writing is that you connect with yourself in the deepest way, and that's heaven. You get a chance to know who you are, to know what you think. You begin to have a relationship with your mind."-- Natalie Goldberg

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Seek insights

Seek insights
"The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival."
-- Aristotle

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Creating Home

Today, I intend to see the home that exists within me. Here within me, all is peaceful and every need that I could possibly experience is instantly fulfilled. It is in this spacious environment, so full of love, that the sacred nurturing overflows to all around me, in the other world, the world outside.
I love this Home. I can enter here in an instant, and I am always immediately welcomed. I am always loved. I am always seen in my infinite perfection. It is the ultimate source of all provision. When I come here, and rest within this spacious, lovely place within me, safe and secure, I can see the perfection unfolding in every circumstance and every person and every event, in the world outside of this space. It is the perfection of freedom to grow, the perfection of freedom to be, and even the perfection of freedom to stagnate, if that is the chosen course. But always it is freedom to have, do, or be, all that we choose to believe. I love the perfection in freedom. I love freedom.
Ultimately, every desire comes to this one gift: The gift of freedom to live life from laughter and joy. And I do not have to wait for anything to change in the world outside. The freedom to choose joy is already given. But I must enter the sacred home within me, for it is only here that I can choose joy.
I know I have the strength and the courage to meet the challenges that I will face today, because I begin this day as I will end this day, resting in the spacious, light of the home within, where I am always greeted by the warm embrace of Joy.

Linda Mottet

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dreams or Fears

"It is said that if you are not living your dreams, you are living your fears"
~ Ghalil, Professional Dreamer~

Monday, September 17, 2007

Thoughts are but dreams till their effects be tried.
~William Shakespeare~

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Be the mouse in the corner of your life.
There are lots of journaling tools, questions to ask ourselves etc. For now let’s write and observe our lives. The grammar is not important, the awareness is what we are looking to achieve.


"Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where
confidence is wounded, trust impaired."
~ Erik H. Erikson

I am so pleased Linda could join me in this adventure, and hope we can help others write out their inner most feelings and bring to lite the steps they may need to take in their life journey. When I first begin to journal I was in an abusive relationship and had my journals invaded. I took up my writing as a third person as a disguise, however I was able to look back some time later and analyze the results of actions taken do to releasing feeling on paper. It was a very helpful tool and the insight I gained is immeasurable. As you can see by the date this picture was taken last year at Linda's. I am the short one and Linda is the taller with the long beautiful hair.

Hello Alice!

Hello Alice, I figured out how to get on here. Congratulations for getting this set up and going.
I don't know if you are aware, as you set out on your journey through journaling, that I have thousands of pages (at least a couple of thousand pages) and so many notebooks full of journaling, for me it is in rhyme. Some are usable publishable lyrics, and some are just sorting out random thoughts, and some are intentional writings to move my life in a particular direction. There is no question to journal is a very healthy and natural experience for me. I desire to see what becomes of my participation with you and others here.
Anyway, I expect you will calling me soon this morning to walk me through this process, and I managed to get here on my own. But we will see what if anything happens when I post.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


To explore the possibilities of journaling as a life effecting tool.